My second round of cellular detox
In a perfect world, I should've kicked off this blog right when I started my detox journey. But hey, life doesn't always pan out the way you picture it. Stick around.
Ok, fast summary first: was super sick physically and mentally for two years. Started on Darko Velceks Self Healers Protocol in June this year, 2024, and already now after 3,5 months regain so much of my energy back. Still have a lot to heal in my body, though. Went through my first round of heavy detox on a cellular level couple of weeks ago. That went to hell. Ended up trying to stop the whole thing by taking painkillers and other medicines. It was way heavier than I thought it was gonna be, and I was not prepared for it. I'm learning the hard way, doing my own mistakes, instead of listening carefully to what Darko and my SHP coach Heidi Opsanger is teaching. Ok, now we're ready to continue, here you go:
A week ago I started to get my old symptoms of fast heartbeat and anxiety in the body back. I didn't realize what was going on until 5 days in, when the symptoms had increased every day. My biggest problem was not really the symptoms in itself, because they were not severe, but they woke me up at night, and were just intense enough that they prevented me from falling back to sleep. The biggest problem was that I was draind and tired from several days in a row of poor sleep.
Anyway - finally I got it. My cells had been hydrating and cleansing, spitting their toxins out in my blood! So three days ago I finally got around and started what needed to be done in order to get rid of my symptoms, by cleansing my blood. How? Drinking plasma. Constantly. Extending the morning flush throughout the day.
I started with 2 liters, each with 12g of salt, to start the diarrhea, then kept it going with a 7-8g salt per liter solution throughout the day. At the end of the day, I counted a total of 11 liters (!) Oh my.. sounds crazy! Well this stuff is pretty crazy. But how people's health has become in this world is maybe even crazier I think. Now the big question was - had I done enough cleansing to sleep in peace? No. I still woke up too early the next morning, with a fast heartbeat and an unpleasant frizzy feeling in my whole body, not able to sleep again. I was so tired and I got frustrated and desperate, I didn't want to flush all day again, I wanted to sleep and be at peace!
And also I was so confused about how to slow down the process. Darko says in his videos that you can slow it down by adding some kind of toxins, like ginger, herbs, or if it's really urgent - some medicine from the doctor, like painkillers. The evening before I had done this. I had taken lots of spices in a cup of tea, eaten kiwi, and also taken half a pill of painkillers.
So when I woke up this next morning, still super tired and full of symptoms, I was desperate, in pain and disappointed of apparantly not getting any results of my hard work the previous day. I called my boyfriend, had contact with my SHP (Self Healers Protocol) coach Heidi Opsanger and I mailed Darko - telling him what I was in the middle of, that I was struggling and that I had eaten herbs, kiwi and painkillers to push down the break in the situation, trying to make it stop. But he answered that I should not have eaten those things, because it only made my blood even more toxic, which was part of the reason I once again had slept poorly and was still full of symptoms. Now that I had added more toxins, it would only take a longer time before my blood gets clean again. He said that the cells have mostly stopped cleansing at this point anyway, because blood already became too toxic for them to open up and hydrate and cleanse themselves. And that if I wanted to slow down the process, it's much better to take some herbs or kiwi or some other medicine in the phase before you get symptoms of toxic blood.
I was so exhausted at this point. And I got worried about how much longer it would take to cleanse the blood enough for my symptoms to calm down. But at least I knew what to do. Flushing and drinking. And not eating any more of the stuff I had eaten the day before. So this second day I drank a total of 9 liters, and spent much time in the bathroom.
During those two days I cried several times, I was confused, desperat, scared, exhausted and feeling resistance to get up and do what I needed to do. I freaked out a little bit some times as well, feeling I was trapped in an extremely tough situation that I couldn't get out of. Like a childbirth. You just need to stay in it till it's over. Can't skip it. Ok it's nothing like a real childbirth, but it triggered some of the same feelings I had when I gave birth. The worst part is not knowing when it's going to be over. Does it take one day? Two? Or as much as 3?? Can I do it? Well I have to!
Or... I don't have to. I could have taken a huge dose of some benzodiazepin e.g. I have it. I used to be dependent on it. When I thought I was having severe anxiety and needed treatment from psychiatrists and getting all the diagnosis I probably had, and getting more medication. I remember hating taking it, but it saved me from ... bad things.
Because this is the strange thing about toxins, which in fact what we call medicines are, regardless if it comes from natural sources or from the medicinal industry. Sometimes it makes your symptoms worse, but if it's the right medicine (toxin) that is meant specifically for a certain symptom, it kills the symptom, by suppressing it. And we're out! Situation skipped! We're saved from the devil and now we can be free and healthy and strong human beings. ... Look how happy this random man I found on the internet is with all his remedies:
... Or not... We just suppress the symptom, and the blood continues to be toxic, which continues to prevent the cells from hydrating and cleanse, which eventually will causes some other "random" symptom to appear. And we don't know where that came from. "Just a part of getting old". This is not true. And eventually we're only getting sicker and sicker, more and more medicated. And there goes the spiral, and there goes another medicine we start taking, and there goes the money to the big pharma that we trust so dearly with our brainwashed eyes. And the doctors don't have a clue on how to heal us for real.
This is what this protocol is all about. Not making the here and now more pleasant, by taking away those horrible symptoms we have. But by healing our bodies for real, so that we eventually can be healthy and enjoy life and our own being fully.
Then on the third day, which is today, it was over. I had slept fine, and the few symptoms I had disappeared after just a couple small cups of plasma, a trip to the bathroom, and rubbing on some magnesium oil. Oh my... I was so relieved! I could breathe again! And I made it! What a feeling of achievement - I was so proud of myself and my confidence went off the charts.
So now I have learned: when symptoms occur, it means my blood is toxic, and then I need to flush and drink plasma! If I had only done that the first day I noticed symptoms coming, I would have gotten it over with sooner, and I wouldn't have been so tired, which would have been better for my mental health. Because it was not that hard really, it was mostly hard because I was already pretty drained and tired when I started.
I also learned that it is crucial to educate one self when starting this protocol. Watch the videos Darko has on youtube and rumble. Or read his blog. I picked out some videos I think is the basic and important information to have when you are starting this protocol and I made a watch list for people that are new to this and want to learn. (List is on the bottom of this post)
We have stored so much crap in those cells in our bodys, that maybe haven't had the chance to cleanse for years, so when we all of a sudden give the body a chance to cleanse on a cellular level, it can be harsh, specially if your old, or struggling with some disease, like I have been. Also, I think it's absolutely necessary to have someone who can guide you and assist you in interpreting your body's signals, so that you know what phase you are in, and what to do next. Even though it might seem like a straight foreward recipe, thousands of questions are going to arise when you're in the middle of everything and your body starts to do weird stuff, or even painful and unpleasant stuff. That's when it's easy to get overwhelmed, confused and scared, and that's when it is important to educate yourself, by watching the relevant videos, reading the relevant blog posts, and having someone to talk to that knows this shit.
And I think I want to have a good break from detoxing now, so I'm gonna have some spices in the days to come, to block my cells from seeping out their shit in my blood. I'll get back to them later...
Cat is exhausted too...
I made an SHP profile on instagram, where I share life on the protocol:
Here is the watch list i made for new people who want to learn more about the SHP:
glucose, the forbidden fruit:
what is disease:
how to cleanse your blood:
introduction to the human diet:
how to hydrate and cleanse:
explaining the cleansing symptoms:
autoimmun diseases:
cellular toxicity and detox:
explaining the self healers protocol:
how to cleanse the blood #2:
do not consume caffeine:
the mechanism behind cellular cleansing:
the mechanism behind cellular cleansing #2:
how to balance mineral (salt) intake:
hydration tips and technical information:
the autopilot of healing:
fasting blood sugar:
dehydrated cells:
how long does it take to cleanse the body:
good and bad symptoms:
how much salt should we consume:
diarrhea and dehydration:
shp (self healers protocol) and diarrhea: